The Let Them..

Mel Robbins

The 48 Laws ..

Robert Greene

The Anxious ..

Jonathan Haidt

Can't Hurt M..

David Goggins

The Body Kee..

Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.

Good Energy:..

Casey Means, MD & Calley Means

The Sirens' ..

Chris Hayes

Outlive: The..

Peter Attia, MD

The Way of t..

David Deida

Masters of C..

Mark Moyar


Marcus Aurelius

Black AF His..

Michael Harriot

Hillbilly El..

J. D. Vance

Attached: Th..

Amir Levine & Rachel Heller

What Happene..

Oprah Winfrey & Bruce D. Perry

Revenge of t..

Malcolm Gladwell

It Begins wi..

Jillian Turecki

Empire of th..

S. C. Gwynne

All About Lo..

bell hooks

12 Rules for..

Jordan B. Peterson

Mindset: The..

Carol S. Dweck

Good Inside..

Becky Kennedy


Tom O'Neill

Adult Childr..

Lindsay C. Gibson PsyD

Dopamine Nat..

Dr. Anna Lembke

The Coddling..

Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt

On Tyranny: ..

Timothy Snyder

Come As You ..

Emily Nagoski

Living Fearl..

Jamie Winship

Us: Getting ..

Terrence Real

The Untether..

Michael A. Singer

The Mother N..

Andrea Dunlop & Mike Weber

Raising Ment..

Daniel G. Amen, M.D. & Charles Fay, Ph.D.

Thinking, Fa..

Daniel Kahneman

Mating in Ca..

Esther Perel

Men Are from..

John Gray

The Gifts of..

Brené Brown

The 4-Hour B..

Timothy Ferriss

The Whole-Br..

Daniel J. Siegel, MD & Tina Payne Bryson

Chip War (Un..

Chris Miller

Untangled: G..

Lisa Damour, Ph.D.

Targeted: Be..

Jack Carr


Charles Duhigg

Say Nothing:..

Patrick Radden Keefe

The Ultimate..

Mark Sloan

The New Meno..

Mary Claire Haver, MD

The Power Pa..

Neha Ruch

Cribsheet: A..

Emily Oster

101 Essays T..

Brianna Wiest

Dare I Say I..

Naomi Watts

Stamped from..

Ibram X. Kendi

Toxic Empath..

Allie Beth Stuckey

Nonviolent C..

Marshall Rosenberg, PhD

The War on W..

Pete Hegseth

The 33 Strat..

Robert Greene

Fast Like a ..

Dr. Mindy Pelz

Outwitting t..

Napoleon Hill

Now It All M..

Alex Partridge

On Tyranny: ..

Timothy Snyder

The Wager: A..

David Grann

The Seven Pr..

John M. Gottman Ph.D. & Nan Silver

The Storytel..

Dave Grohl

The Mindful ..

Ellen J. Langer

This is Me L..

Heidi Priebe

Atlas of the..

Brené Brown


Henry A. Kissinger, Eric Schmidt & Craig Mundie

Expecting Be..

Emily Oster

Tiny Humans,..

Alyssa Blask Campbell & Lauren Elizabeth Stauble

Read People ..

Patrick King

Autocracy, I..

Anne Applebaum

Being Jewish..

Peter Beinart

Fight Right:..

Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD & John Gottman Ph.D.

Mind Your Bo..

Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW

The Way Out:..

Alan Gordon & Alon Ziv

The Serviceb..

Robin Wall Kimmerer

If I Did It:..

The Goldman Family, Pablo Fenjves & Dominick Dunne

Permission t..

Marc Brackett Ph.D.

The Coming W..

Mustafa Suleyman

Hold On to Y..

Gordon Neufeld & Gabor Maté, M.D.

Meditations ..

Marcus Aurelius

ADHD is Awes..

Penn Holderness & Kim Holderness

Letting Go (..

David R. Hawkins, MD/PHD


Zora Neale Hurston

In Cold Bloo..

Truman Capote

1-2-3 Magic ..

Thomas W. Phelan, PhD

Many Lives, ..

Brian L. Weiss

Caste (Oprah..

Isabel Wilkerson

The Ellipsis..

Chase Hughes

I Love Me Mo..

Jenna Banks

It Didn't St..

Mark Wolynn

American Buf..

Steven Rinella

Framed: Asto..

John Grisham & Jim Mccloskey

Why We Sleep..

Matthew Walker

Love and R..

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Quiet: The P..

Susan Cain

A Certain Id..

Peggy Noonan

Only Love is..

Brian Weiss MD

Fervent : A ..

Priscilla Shirer

Ghost Wars: ..

Steve Coll