Breath: The ..

James Nestor


Yuval Noah Harari

Braiding Swe..

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Black Holes..

Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw

Fire Officer..

John Norman


Neil deGrasse Tyson

Of Boys and ..

Richard V. Reeves

No Bad Parts..

Richard C. Schwartz Ph.D. & Alanis Morissette - foreword, introduction


Eric Berger

Invisible Wo..

Caroline Criado-Perez

Determined: ..

Robert M. Sapolsky

The Demon-Ha..

Carl Sagan

The Immortal..

Rebecca Skloot

The Other En..

Patricia McConnell

Being You: A..

Anil Seth

Diary of a P..

Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Cosmos: A Pe..

Carl Sagan

A Brief Hist..

Dr. Becky Smethurst

Sapiens : A ..

Yuval Noah Harari

Your Inner F..

Neil Shubin

How to Do No..

Jenny Odell

Thinking in ..

Donella Meadows

Vax-Unvax: L..

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Brian Hooker

Amusing Ours..

Neil Postman

So You Want ..

Ijeoma Oluo

Black Rednec..

Thomas Sowell

The Art of E..

Ros Atkins

The Biggest ..

Sean Carroll

Broken Money..

Lyn Alden

Coyote Ameri..

Dan Flores

The Soul of ..

Sy Montgomery

The Lakota W..

Joseph M. Marshall III

The Fabric o..

David Deutsch

CompTIA A+ C..

Andrew Hutz, Travis A. Everett & Mike Meyers

Fuzz: When N..

Mary Roach


Karl Deisseroth

Raising Beef..

Dion Rosser

Homo Deus..

Yuval Noah Harari

The Light Ea..

Zoë Schlanger

Brain Energy..

Christopher M. Palmer, MD

The YouTube ..

Derral Eves

Psychology 1..

Nathan DeWall

A Degree in ..

David Baker

UFOs: Genera..

Leslie Kean & John Podesta

Beyond Addic..

Stephanie Higgs, Nicole Kosanke, PhD, Jeffrey Foote, PhD & Carrie Wilkens, PhD

The Male Bra..

Louann Brizendine, M.D.

The Rise and..

Steve Brusatte

On War..

Carl von Clausewitz

What If We G..

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

Reality Is N..

Carlo Rovelli, Simon Carnell & Erica Segre

Moonwalking ..

Joshua Foer

Amphibious S..

Craig Foster

Failure Is N..

Gene Kranz

How Doctors ..

Jerome Groopman, M.D.

Exercised: W..

Daniel E. Lieberman

The Emperor'..

Roger Penrose

The Blind Wa..

Richard Dawkins

Unsettled: W..

Steven E. Koonin

The Quantum ..

Paul Levy

The Fabric o..

Brian Greene

The Future W..

Christiana Figueres & Tom Rivett-Carnac

Immune: A Jo..

Philipp Dettmer

Sick Enough ..

Jennifer L. Gaudiani, MD, CEDS, FAED

Beloved Beas..

Michelle Nijhuis


Nimesh Patel

The Nature F..

Florence Williams

CompTIA Secu..

David Seidl & Mike Chapple

The Universe..

Stephen Hawking

Einstein's R..

Richard Wolfson & The Great Courses

Scale: The U..

Geoffrey West

The Dragons ..

Carl Sagan

Believing Is..

Michael Guillen, PhD

Me and White..

Layla F. Saad

Rising: Disp..

Elizabeth Rush

Blueprint: T..

Nicholas A. Christakis

Exploring Cr..

Vicki Dincher

Black Hole S..

Janna Levin

Blight : Fun..

Emily Monosson


Neil Morton

The Sea Arou..

Rachel Carson

In Their Ele..

BBC Radio

The Selfish ..

Richard Dawkins

Proof of Sta..

Vitalik Buterin

Alone Togeth..

Sherry Turkle

Naming Natur..

Carol Kaesuk Yoon

Strange Medi..

Nathan Belofsky

The Family T..

D. T. Max

Rethinking H..

Antonio C. Bianco

The Embodied..

Thomas R Verny

Becoming a S..

Joe I. Garri

Anatomy and ..

Scientia Media Group & Leo Xavier Davidson

Spooky Actio..

George Musser

Raising Goat..

Cheryl K. Smith

A Journey Th..

New Scientist

The Beginner..

Anne Kuo


Melanie Mitchell

Mutants : On..

Armand Marie Leroi

Large Langua..

Shreyas Subramanian

The Curious ..

Vincent M. Figueredo

Digital Civi..

Peter Daou